
Patented Ultra Low Stacking Trays by Faerch

Maximise results while minimising emissions

Push the limits with 67% less



In a time marked by a focus on innovation, precision, reliability, automation, and sustainability within the food industry, a partnership between two industry leaders has led to a revelation: Faerch's patented Ultra Low Stacking trays. Achieving up to 67% space savings during transport, storage, and handling, whilst achieving a tray denesting success rate of 99.96%, these trays deliver exceptional results.


Facts on the Ultra Low Stacking solution for Norfersk




Gap reduction


Recycled content


Million trays denested
since the implementation

Unlocking 67% space savings

At the heart of the Ultra Low Stacking tray’s innovation lies the noteworthy 1.5 mm gap between each tray, a significant contrast to the 3-6 mm gap found in traditional trays. An intricate stacking configuration that required an adaptable and precise tray denesting solution. A challenge that could only be solved through close collaboration between tray manufacturer and tray denesting manufacturer.

How it started

Engineering a collaborative approach

In 2020 Norwegian Norfersk needed to transition to a new type of tray to meet their environmental sustainability goals. They decided to switch from PP to PET made from 99% recycled content and fully recyclable.

To ensure optimal performance, reduced space, and delivery costs for Norfersk, the collaborative effort between Faerch and QUPAQ was established. The goal was to develop a low-stack tray in PET, that was designed to be compatible with a denesting tool, accommodating trays of varying heights to ensure smooth transitions.

Like the rest of the world, we have a desire to do what we can to preserve our raw materials as long as possible and contribute to a global goal of recycling as much plastic as possible. In addition, we needed to find a way to reduce our emissions by transporting more trays per truck.

Rasmus Haage Sørensen, Project Manager at Norfersk

Several meetings, drawings, and discussions later, the Ultra Low Stacking trays were finally created as the perfect combination and fit for Norfersk’s production. With the use of QUPAQ’s INTRAY Buffer Servo denester, calibrated to accommodate these trays, Norfersk achieved a reliable production line with an extraordinary tray denesting success rate of impressive 99.96%.


Total Cost of Ownership

Optimising operational uptime

Considering the impressive tray denesting success rate of 99.96%, it's worth noting that even the rarest denesting errors are automatically rectified by the INTRAY Buffer Servo's smart auto-correct feature. This ensures impeccable production uptime with no production stops, showcasing the system's remarkable reliability.

A sustainable paradigm shift

The Ultra Low Stacking trays did not only meet Norfersk's need for a tray that matched an adaptable production while being made from recycled material, but it was also proof that innovation and sustainability are intertwined ideals – something the Ultra Low Stacking trays both deliver on.

Highlighting up to 67% space savings during transport, transit packaging, storage, and handling, these trays translate to significantly reduced CO2 emissions — a testament to Faerch and QUPAQ's commitment to crafting solutions that excel across multiple dimensions. Simply: less is more.


The Future of Packaging

In essence, Faerch and QUPAQ developed a match between the trays and the tray denester, resulting in resounding success at Norfersk. With more than 38 million trays denested at Norfersk, the Ultra Low Stacking trays serve as a proof that innovation flourishes in environments where complementary competencies come together to produce results greater than the sum of their parts.

Now the big question is whether the investment can pay off, and the answer is simple: yes, it can. The amount of money invested in this project pales in comparison to the returns we've seen.

Rasmus Haage Sørensen, Project Manager at Norfersk

In summary, this collaboration did not only redefine what’s achievable in terms of functionality, but it also showcased the importance of the dance of millimetres that contributes to a brighter, more efficient, and sustainable future within the packaging solution.

Get in touch
with Faerch

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